Minors (Formerly known as AAA)

All games will be played with everyone in the batting lineup and no player will sit out for more than two innings per game. Playing time beyond this is earned and decided by the head coach.

The regular season schedule may include inter-league games with other Little League programs. There are usually 2-3 games per week (potential 8 pm night games) and 2 or more practices.

The season will conclude just before the 4th of July weekend with all teams participating in a year-end tournament. The teams are formed through a draft process. The league is focused on continuing to develop the individual skills needed to advance to the Majors division.

Age Groups and Requirements:

Advanced 9-year-olds who played in the “AA” division the prior season, attend evaluations and are selected for this division during the draft process. Those who attend evaluations and are not selected will be placed in the “AA” division.

10 - year-olds  ALL should attend evaluations and will play in this division.

Exception: 10 - year-olds can play in “AA’ with League approval. For consideration, email your request to crallbaseball@gmail.com.  If approved, you will receive an override code that will allow you to register for “AA”, and attending evaluations will not be necessary.

11 - year-olds  All should attend evaluations. Those who are not selected for the Majors division during the draft process will play in this division.

12 - year-olds  All should attend evaluations. Only those who elect to play in this division will do so.

To enhance the Baseball experience for everyone involved, all draft procedures are formatted in a way that will best serve each player, based on individual skill level and the overall skill set of each division. 

Those who do not attend Player Evaluations, or did not make an arrangement with the player agent will be placed in a division according to age and skill level.

Placement of all players is subject to Player Agent approval


Each year's schedule should be similar to the previous year, but that depends on how many teams we have in this division.